TeaTreeJones is looking to meet women from Camberwell, Melbourne, VIC

48, men - Separated
Seeking women Between 35-45
Camberwell, VIC 3124

About Me

I am a tall athletic male looking to find a like minded female to have some fun. I work on construction and get to the gym at least 5 days a week. Prefer to chat and see how we click first before images are shared. I’m not a stressed or obsessive person, I’m advertise and know what I want.

My Interests

I enjoy a Sunday sleep in, brunch, a walk or ride along the beach or going hiking. Definitely a morning person and if the weather is good then I’m out and about rather than cleaning the house! I love to travel, I’ve seen heaps of this great country and doing a lap is definitely on the BL.

Lifestyle & Personality

I drink socially
I don’t smoke


Have Children:
Prefer not to say

Looking For

I'm here for:
Non committed fun

My Ideal Partner

Ideal person to meet would be confident caring and cheeky, not possessive or jealous. I prefer natural women that look after are physically active and look themselves over made up Kardashian clones. I’m not against tattoos, but don’t understand why some women show them off like it’s their best quality..

My Preferences

Doesn’t matter
I’d prefer a non smoker
Has Children:
Doesn’t matter
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