Free Dating Sites & Singles Chat Rooms Stanthorpe, QLD

What I am looking for:
Being a jealous and mistrustful fart is such big turnoff for me. You have to...
About me:
I am a 5’8” brunette and just started out as a freelance model. I have...
My Interests:
I love dressing up and making myself look pretty. Even if I’m just in my...
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What I am looking for:
Looking for single guys in Stanthorpe, QLD. I really want a fellow wanderer who can...
About me:
Talll and skinny girl born raised and living in Stanthorpe, QLD My name is Pamela...
My Interests:
I am a traveller and wanderer. I love going to different places to explore the...
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What I am looking for:
I want a pretty boy I can shower with all the gifts and praises she...
About me:
All my life has been one girl after the other. But this time around, I...
My Interests:
I love to collecting all sorts of things like shoes and watches. My drawer is...
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What I am looking for:
What I really want in a woman is someone who is passionate and headstrong. She...
About me:
I am 24-year-old who just left my job as a bank clerk to start my...
My Interests:
Music has been in my family for generations. I shred on the guitar for my...
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What I am looking for:
I haven’t really had the best record in the loyalty department, but I still really...
About me:
Hey my name is Kevin and I am here to look for a good time....
My Interests:
Photography has definitely one of my life long passions. I take a photo of everything...
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What I am looking for:
My priority right now is to find someone I can have a connection with on...
About me:
Hey there! I am Mary, a uni professor right here in the city. I am...
My Interests:
During my spare time, books have definitely been my number one companion. I have read...
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What I am looking for:
Looking to date men over 40s near Stanthorpe, QLD. I really want someone who can...
About me:
I am a 43-year-old accountant with two very beautiful baby girls. It has been a...
My Interests:
Reading and cooking are basically the only things I do whenever I have free time....
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