Spunkymonkey111 is looking to meet men from Lilydale, VIC
women -
Seeking men
Lilydale, VIC 3140
Lilydale, VIC 3140
About Me
Well this I'm not too sure of lol. Well, my family and friends, tell me, I'm funny, smart, have a heart of gold and would do anything for anyone. I would say, I care about others and believe that everyone has the right to be happy. I'm loyal and protective but not over the top. I'm honest, confident and I know where I'm going in life.
My Interests
Lifestyle & Personality
- Personality:
- Drinking:
- Smoking:
- Have Children:
Looking For
- I'm here for:
- Relationships
My Ideal Partner
Looking for someone who is genuine, kind and honest. Someone who knows who they are and is willing to put the time and effort required to get to know me. Maybe starting off with a friendship first and then going from there.
My Preferences
- Personality:
- Drinking:
- Smoking:
- Has Children:
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