Free Dating Sites & Singles Chat Rooms Mount Helena, WA

What I am looking for:
Love doesn't have to make sense; it just has to feel right. My ideal partner...
About me:
I believe that love makes us immortal, young, and happy and as long as you...
My Interests:
I am passionate about golf. I am not good at it, but I try to...
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What I am looking for:
I dream too much, but I know my prince is out there waiting and looking...
About me:
I am a risk taker, and I like taking chances and exploiting them to the...
My Interests:
I am passionate about astronomy because I am fascinated with the world beyond ours. I...
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What I am looking for:
I am not scared of responsibilities, but I prefer someone without a child. I want...
About me:
I am from South Africa, and I have a complicated Zulu name so used my...
My Interests:
I love meeting people and being around people. The connection that you make and the...
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What I am looking for:
I want a partner who will share everything with me so that I know how...
About me:
I was born in Guatemala, I schooled in Ohio, USA, and I relocated to Australia...
My Interests:
I love soul music; I find slow music to be very therapeutic and comforting. I...
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What I am looking for:
I want someone who can show me a love that I can never forget. Someone...
About me:
I am very mortal, and I have a destiny that I need to fulfil. So...
My Interests:
I am a tattoo enthusiast, and I have a good number of tattoos. I enjoy...
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What I am looking for:
I am looking for a mature guy that is both mentally and emotionally comfortable; I...
About me:
I study people and their shift in preference. I focus on the little details that...
My Interests:
I enjoy hanging out with my friends and having fun; it helps forget a lot...
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where abouts are you
anyone else here from vic?
F Melbourne Victoria
How are you going
Waer are you form
What are you doing now toingth
anyone from brisy?
Hello is there anybody out there
No one here
Anyone free use fam?
G'day room

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