Free Dating Sites & Singles Chat Rooms Moonta, SA

For those seeking true love, Free dating Australia is your answer. With years of experience and topping in the online dating industry in Moonta, this online dating site is here to ensure you find the love of your life. Join us today and get connected to people who share your view of life and fall in love.
What I am looking for:
Hi there, my ideal partner would be someone that would love to take part in...
About me:
I have been separated for two years now and I have two kids that I...
My Interests:
I am quite fit I like going on walks to the beach I enjoy working...
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What I am looking for:
I am looking for an intellegent ,capable, independent woman ,who is feminine and sensual as...
About me:
I am a Rope Access inspector in the oil and gas sector ,my hobbies are...
My Interests:
I like all the usual things atm im starting out to develop a few enterprises...
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What I am looking for:
I just want male friends from Yelta above 18. This is just about friendship, great...
About me:
I am a 30-year-old woman from Yelta. Although life can sometimes get us down, I...
My Interests:
I am an animal person and I have a cat and a dog. The dog...
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What I am looking for:
I am looking for a serious woman from Nalyappa. I want someone who knows that...
About me:
I am a very hardworking 35 year old man. I am really serious when I...
My Interests:
I love my solitude. I need a break from work and everything else about 3...
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What I am looking for:
I am looking for men just for fun. I love tough guys, the bad boys,...
About me:
I am a fun loving woman aged 26 from Moonta Mines. I thrive in crowds...
My Interests:
I love being out in nature during the night when the moon is full, having...
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What I am looking for:
I want a lovely woman with looks and brains from Moonta Bay. I want someone...
About me:
I am a 5’9” tall man from Moonta Bay. I am 39 and I will...
My Interests:
I love water. Whether in, on, or just near some sort of water body can...
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What I am looking for:
I want men aged between 25 and 35 from Kooroona. I am looking for someone...
About me:
Here I am trying to find happiness through a computer screen. I know you are...
My Interests:
I love good food and good wine. I should have some new wine I have...
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or from sydney
Anyone in vic?
Hey I’m from Brisbane
Anyone from armidale
English male in SA
English male in SA
Hello, any females in South Australia tonight that would like to chat?
English male in SA
Not a busy night in here it seems.
English male in SA
This reminds me of the old CB days in the 80s
English male in SA
Just a bigger distance of coverage.
English male in SA
Goodnight All.
Hello everybody
im just new here .searching for a woman that will cherish me as i do .text on my private whatsapp number if you're the one.....thanks +1 (417) 413-1405
Brisbane guy here looking for new company of friends. If U into outdoors boats or anything water . I'm U guy . FB midgee Sandford n send me a message
Steven From Sey

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Find and Meet Local Single Men and Women in Moonta, SA

Moonta is a town in York peninsula that is worth the adventure when it comes to finding love. When taking the next step of meeting your partner away from the online dating site, these are some of the places to explore in Moonta and have a fantastic time. Take a look at Henry on George café and enjoy the best coffee in the peninsula together with some range of cakes and sandwiches.
Enjoy a grand tour on a self-guided drive through the town and down to the

Moonta mine with over 50 exciting items to see throughout the journey. Make the evening plans take place at the Moonta Bay Jetty which is an attraction for swimmer during the day and fishing at night. Enjoy the beautiful sight of the blazing orange evening sun as you say goodbye to the day. The town has so much to do, and this is not even half of it. Moonta has a population of 12,000 people and a 50:50 male-female ration.

Moonta, SA Online Dating Sites