MatildaAnderson is looking to meet men from West Lyons River, Gascoyne, WA
women -
Seeking men Between 25-35
West Lyons River, WA 6705
West Lyons River, WA 6705
About Me
Before you scroll to the next profile, have a sneak peek at mine because you don't know what you are missing. I am a fun, smart, and outgoing person. I have a degree in Biotechnology and I work as an Organic Consultant.
My Interests
I was a cheerleader and gymnast in high school and college and I still enjoy gymnastics. I love yoga; it just relieves all the pressure points from my body and I also like massages once in a while.
Lifestyle & Personality
- Personality:
- Extroverted
- Drinking:
- I don’t drink
- Smoking:
- I don’t smoke
- Have Children:
- I don’t have children
Looking For
- I'm here for:
- Relationships
My Ideal Partner
I want a cool guy who has a fun, wild, and loving personality. He has to be good looking, about 6.3' tall, and have good fashion sense. Most important he has to be honest and loyal.
My Preferences
- Personality:
- Confident
- Drinking:
- I’d prefer a non drinker
- Smoking:
- I’d prefer a non smoker
- Has Children:
- I’d prefer someone without children
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