What I am looking for:
I am looking for a woman who is currently living within the Glenhope area. I...
About me:
I am a lumberjack. It's quite queer for me to refer to myself as such...
My Interests:
I like being outside. I don't mind the seat and the dirt, I love it....
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What I am looking for:
I am looking for a single woman who is also living within the Kyneton area....
About me:
I am a cook at a local diner. Prior to this job, had no serious...
My Interests:
I have fallen in love with cooking. Before I got this job, all I could...
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What I am looking for:
I just got out of a pretty intense relationship where I have a daughter. I...
About me:
I am a very competitive person. Whenever you put me in a competitive setting, I...
My Interests:
I like playing sports. My favorites are basketball, football and volleyball. Whenever I get into...
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What I am looking for:
I am looking for a woman who lives within the Kyneton area as well. I...
About me:
I am an interior decorator. Whenever I enter a room, I am that dork who...
My Interests:
I like looking through design magazines. I am a visual person so I like being...
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