Free Dating Sites & Singles Chat Rooms Kingaroy, QLD

What I am looking for:
I’d want someone who is game with a variety of experiences. She should be someone...
About me:
Adventurous and outdoorsy --- that’s me! I like to try out new things, taste exotic...
My Interests:
Obviously, I like traveling but while I’d fly at a drop of a dime, I...
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What I am looking for:
I’m looking for a man who is as open to me --- someone who’s daring,...
About me:
If you’re on the prowl for a great time, I’m your man. I’m open to...
My Interests:
I wouldn’t say I’m cultured but I do appreciate art. I danced back in the...
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What I am looking for:
Looking for men over 40s near Kingaroy. I want someone who’s just as adventurous when...
About me:
After years of consciously staying away from the dating scene, I’m giving this thing yet...
My Interests:
I’m no food expert but I’m a foodie in a lot of ways. I like...
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What I am looking for:
I like women who, like me, are also out for a good time. I like...
About me:
Hello there girls of Kingaroy looking for a simple guy who has a stable job...
My Interests:
I’m a geek and proud. I wear it like a badge of honor. Marvel, DC,...
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What I am looking for:
I’m looking for a woman who is warm and outgoing. I’d appreciate a great sense...
About me:
Ola! I just moved from Spain and now I’m here to finish what I call...
My Interests:
Oh my. Where to start? I love, love, love literature. It gives me a glimpse...
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What I am looking for:
Looking for girls over 30s near Kingaroy. I’d like someone who has a broad perspective...
About me:
A warm hello to all the ladies around Kingaroy! I’m a simple guy out for...
My Interests:
I like traveling a lot. Thankfully, my work has brought me to different places. I’ve...
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What I am looking for:
I want a great conversationalist. I am naturally drawn to funny. The crasser the humor,...
About me:
Upbeat and funny. Two words that best describe me. If I’m not slaving it away...
My Interests:
I’m a sun and waves kind of a girl. Going anywhere near it or a...
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Just havin a spring cleaning day.
Summer *
keeps you out of trouble
where abouts are you
anyone else here from vic?
F Melbourne Victoria
How are you going
Waer are you form
What are you doing now toingth
anyone from brisy?
Hello is there anybody out there

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