Free Dating Sites & Singles Chat Rooms Horsham, VIC

What I am looking for:
I hope to look for a girl that also respects and love basketball. I know...
About me:
I am 24 years old and just passed my licensure exam as a Physical Therapist....
My Interests:
I like watching Chinese and Korean series. I myself am trying to learn the languages...
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What I am looking for:
I am looking for a girl who is a socialite. She should have a lot...
About me:
I am a quality assurance officer at a soda company. This has been my first...
My Interests:
I am in to dancing. I join dance competitions and have been doing this since...
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What I am looking for:
I am looking for a man who is a resident of the Horsham area. A...
About me:
I am part of a band and I am the lead vocalist. I prefer to...
My Interests:
I like hitting the beach if ever I am free. The sea and sun just...
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What I am looking for:
I am currently focusing on my business for the mean time. I want this to...
About me:
I own a small business that I started a few years ago. It is a...
My Interests:
I am adventurous. I am an adventurous type of guy that is why I always...
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What I am looking for:
I prefer to have a guy who is not that tall like me. It is...
About me:
I am a jolly and independent woman. I work as a sales coordinator in a...
My Interests:
I like having nightcaps especially with the profession I have. I prefer doing the sit...
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What I am looking for:
I just want a low-key woman; who would love and support me for whatever I...
About me:
I used to work as an English teacher until things did not go out well....
My Interests:
I am fond of collecting knives. My interest for knives started when I figured that...
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What I am looking for:
I am looking for a woman who is currently living in the Horsham area. I...
About me:
A volunteer fire fighter for the past 5 years. I am an architect by profession...
My Interests:
I enjoy looking and studying infrastructures. That made me realize that I architecture is my...
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where abouts are you
anyone else here from vic?
F Melbourne Victoria
How are you going
Waer are you form
What are you doing now toingth
anyone from brisy?
Hello is there anybody out there
No one here
Anyone free use fam?

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