What I am looking for:
My heart is like a bare fertile land, and my ideal partner is someone who...
About me:
I am like the holy grail when I am at work, but soon as I...
My Interests:
I am an electrical guy, and I am passionate about lighting up places and chasing...
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What I am looking for:
I enjoy hanging around funny and people with an outstanding sense of humor. My ideal...
About me:
I can do anything for the people I love because I am an empathetic and...
My Interests:
I enjoy going to the park or the beach and just have a lovely relaxing...
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What I am looking for:
I want a man who has moves of how to be romantic up their sleeve....
About me:
I am a working progress, and every day I learn something new about myself. I...
My Interests:
I am a big fan of the kitchen; it is the focal point of my...
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What I am looking for:
My ideal partner is someone who is in their early 30s and are over the...
About me:
We all have our battles to fight, and mine is getting the woman that I...
My Interests:
I am a motivational speaker, and I enjoy encouraging people who feel that they have...
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What I am looking for:
I would like a chatty person so that she keeps me engaged in her world...
About me:
No one knows the secrets tomorrow holds but I would rather it stay that way...
My Interests:
I enjoy writing songs and poetry. Since I don't speak much, I can as well...
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