Free Dating Sites & Singles Chat Rooms Goolwa, SA

What I am looking for:
I want a guy for friendship. I’m really after someone in college, someone smart and...
About me:
Hey, thanks for reading my profile. I have never done this before so I hope...
My Interests:
Just the usual girlie stuff: makeup, hair styling, fashion, etc. I am also into online...
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What I am looking for:
Of course you have to be a godly woman. I need someone aged between 30...
About me:
I am a 40-year-old youth pastor. I love working with young people, guiding them during...
My Interests:
I do not drink or smoke and fun for me involves chatting with friends, coffee,...
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What I am looking for:
I am into educated guys and I appreciate refined manners. In my experience, these are...
About me:
‘The Best or Nothing’, that’s Mercedes Benz’s tagline. I try to live by that as...
My Interests:
I love nice things: going to nice dinners, wearing nice things, fine cars, and all...
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What I am looking for:
I am looking for a woman aged from 50 to 60. I want someone to...
About me:
We were pretty impressed with the black and white TV, the polaroid cameras and all...
My Interests:
I have done a lot of things and I can say I have enjoyed my...
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What I am looking for:
I am looking for an educated sophisticated girl aged between 18 and 35. I want...
About me:
I believe we build our own realities and I always try to build the very...
My Interests:
Most weekends I am at Goolwa Aquatic Club. I don't know… the large mass of...
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What I am looking for:
Just a girl to be with as a friend. It would be great to have...
About me:
The discipline, the hard work, the surrender of your life for the good of mankind…...
My Interests:
I enjoy taking up DIY projects. I love the idea of starting something and watching...
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What I am looking for:
I want a serious woman. I do not think I have any room for casual...
About me:
I am a 35-year-old man living in Goolwa North but born and raised in Canberra....
My Interests:
Life is fun if you take one day at a time, take it as it...
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