Back to Search Gabe is looking to meet women from Llandilo, Sydney, NSW

18, men - Single
Seeking women Between 18-25
Llandilo, NSW 2747

About Me

I'm a qualified Electrician who thinks of others before himself. My favorite part of a relationship is the ability to love somebody! I am generous, kind, considerate and always love a good joke! I befriend a lot of girls but can never bring myself to move to the next step in a relationship. I'm quite shy with girls because, lets face it, I have gone through alot of rejections. I mean a LOT of rejections.

My Interests

I game quite a lot during my downtime. I normally have work on the weekdays and I don't own my own car. I normally like to chat with friends every now and again and haven't got into any real relationships. I become quite happy if other people are happy. I have helped many in relationship problems and hooking my friends up. It helps that I am a reliable person who can take a secret to the grave.

Lifestyle & Personality

I don’t drink
I don’t smoke


Have Children:
I don’t have children

Looking For

I'm here for:

My Ideal Partner

My ideal partner would be somebody who looks out for me and has my back like I will always have theirs. I prefer tall redheads but I'm really not that picky. As long as I love sombody who will always love me then I will be more then satisfied. Although exceptions come in the form that I WILL NOT date somebody who trys to force me into doing something. I want a relationship where both partners are happy with eachother the way they are.

My Preferences

I’d prefer a non drinker
I’d prefer a non smoker
Has Children:
I’d prefer someone without children
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