Free Dating Sites & Singles Chat Rooms Bellbowrie, QLD

What I am looking for:
Someone who is literally good with her tongue! I like a woman who speaks her...
About me:
“Make the best of what you have” Hello ladies in the house! I’m a human...
My Interests:
I’ve been playing rugby and touch footy a lot more lately. Been to a number...
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What I am looking for:
Looking for a sensible guys who have got an interesting sense of humour. Someone preferably...
About me:
Hmm I can’t really think of something that would make guys swoon over. I’m not...
My Interests:
Mystery movies, mystery books, and solving mysteries – these are three things that I love...
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What I am looking for:
Looking for more female friends who I can talk to every night. Not necessarily a...
About me:
It’s only recently that I’ve learned about my natural ability to deal with people online....
My Interests:
My interests include playing with my grandkids ( I have two already!) and going fishing...
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What I am looking for:
My ideal partner would an absolutely adorable female that has great, unique personality. I don’t...
About me:
Full time customer support agent for a furniture company and part-time makeup artist. I’m based...
My Interests:
I am a voracious reader but I like reading mostly classics like the ones written...
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What I am looking for:
I’ve got a lot of stories to share and would like someone who is interested...
About me:
I work as a journalist for an online media company. No, I don’t write about...
My Interests:
Books by James Patterson and Dan Brown; word games and puzzles; reading news online form...
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What I am looking for:
Looks can be deceiving but then again if you look like Clark Kent, why the...
About me:
Party chick looking to meet boys for fun! I’m a uni girl looking to experience...
My Interests:
Beach, beach, beach. Everything you love about the beach, I love it too! I like...
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What I am looking for:
I like girls who are thin and short also because I’m not that tall myself....
About me:
Born and raised in Japan by Japanese parents. We moved to Australia 15 years ago...
My Interests:
Indoor and outdoor volleyball. I used to play in the uni a long time ago....
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