Free Dating Sites & Singles Chat Rooms Aldinga Beach, SA

What I am looking for:
I really do not want to babysit anyone. I want someone who already knows his...
About me:
I am a confident 45 year old woman just trying to have some fun with...
My Interests:
I travel a lot for business and I have somehow managed to have fun while...
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What I am looking for:
I am not after anything serious but I always keep an open mind- no one...
About me:
I like the finer things in life and that includes fine men. I am fine...
My Interests:
Nice cars, nice vacations, nice dinners, anything that comes after nice, really. I play the...
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What I am looking for:
Honesty is a very big deal for me and I would like someone who shared...
About me:
I am kind, funny, trustworthy, and well-mannered. I'm honest and often speak my mind so...
My Interests:
I like to write and have a few short stories to my credit- nothing huge,...
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What I am looking for:
I am a calm, introverted guy and I need someone to throw some fire into...
About me:
I am an average guy and I like it that way. I have fun, but...
My Interests:
Let’s go for a ride, let’s watch a movie, let’s get some coffee, share a...
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What I am looking for:
Any young guy that is full of life will do. But, you have to have...
About me:
Where do I start? Well, I am a shy girl and don't talk much unless...
My Interests:
I love painting although I am not really good. My friends say I am good...
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What I am looking for:
Just a good girl if I can find one. A decent human who cares for...
About me:
Ladies ladies here is something you might like. A fun-loving, caring, and loyal guy. We...
My Interests:
Fast cars, fast food, whole meals once in awhile. My weekdays are so active so...
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What I am looking for:
If you are a guy looking for a girl to fill your life with sunshine...
About me:
Hey guys thanks for checking out my profile. I don’t know how this works but...
My Interests:
I am an indoor person. I like to spend time with my little baby boy...
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